Carolin Taylor Wide-Legged Forward Fold

The Soultry Ritual of Movement

Movement for me is the way that I slow down.

Between work, travel, relationships, maintaining a social life, running a business, and more, my day to day life can be crazy. Movement in many forms is how I slow down. I guess you could say that MOVEMENT CREATES STILLNESS for me. Seems like an oxymoron, but what I mean by that, is that when I move, be it in the form of yoga, spinning, walking or any other fitness form that I happen to be engaged in at the moment, it’s the only time that my mind stills. It’s in the time that I spend “moving” that I am able to shut off the world around me and truly BE in the moment. It’s when I’m able to tune out that I’m able to truly tune in. This creates clarity, which creates space. Space to be, to heal, to create, to let go.

Move with me. Even if only for 10 minutes. Make time for yourself to do yoga, to walk, to do whatever kind of movement that fuels your soul. Start with doing it for 7 days and let’s see where the journey takes you.

I’d love to hear about it. If you can, take a picture and tag us on social. Be sure to use the hashtag #soultryritual & #soultryritualofmovement

XO - C




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